Monday, 18 May 2015

Final photos

Colour popping

 I decided to colour pop this photo because I liked the colours on the building and how they look quite nice together. I think blue and pink work well next to each other but I think I should get rid of the colour at the bottom of the picture.
I really like it because I think that b&w and blue work really well together. I like that this picture looks quite normal but at the same time quite mysterious.

Final evaluation


Throughout my project I had to do many different, small tasks. They all helped me to understand the title of the project 'old meets new'. 
I had to do many researches to get an idea of what I was supposed to do and to improve my work. I've learned about new techniques which helped me to improve my photography and photoshop skills, like Juxtaposition, Hockney joiner, overlaying textures and creating borders, panoramas, colour popping and pinhole. I also learned more about film cameras by taking photos with black&white and colour film.

I've looked at many artists, photographers and art movements and I wrote down my research in my visual diary. It helped me to understand their work and how to create different images. It was very important for me when I was researching darkroom techniques because I had no idea what to do and how to start. By looking at their work, I learned how to be creative with my work.

The only thing I would like to do more throughout the project if I had a chance to, would be experimenting with darkroom and darkroom photos. I don't think I have enough experience to be confident with doing that kind of stuff. I would love to have a chance to paint with a developer, burn the negs, scratch them or create a photogram but because we didn't have enough time in the darkroom I only managed to do double exposure and sandwiching negs. I would really like to improve my darkroom work and I hope I will have a chance to do it in the future.

I'm happy with work on my blog but I don't think I've done enough in my technical and darkroom folders. I would like to improve that. I'm happy with the quality of work in my technical folder/visual diary but I think I could write down more researches and explanations in there. I'm quite happy with how my negs came out especially after I scanned them all. 

I enjoyed the trip to Leeds and going to the darkroom. It was my first time using a colour film and I think I enjoyed it a little bit more than b&w. 
I improved my photoshop work and I can finally say that I'm more comfortable with using and experimenting with it. 

I'm still not that confident with working with a film camera but I'm trying to get used to it. I've learned how to set up the camera for the best results and I still try to experiment with it. Also the opportunity I had, to take that kind of a camera home and take some photos by myself gave me a chance to try out new things and be creative. 

Overall, I think this last project was the one that I've enjoyed the most, we had a lot of time to finish our tasks and to do some extra work. The tutors helped us to manage our time by going with us through every single bit of the project every now and then and by giving us small deadlines so the work didn't get mixed up. I enjoyed every single bit of it, even though I don't really enjoy working in the darkroom for a long period of time. I've learned so many things and I hope to learn even more about photography next year.   


This is my Hockney Joiner. I really like it because the photos look good together. I've taken 13 photos of the different parts of the wall and a part of the window inside my college. I thought it would work well because of the rough texture of the wall and the lighting. If I had to do it again I would take more photos so you would be able to see the ground and the roof as well as the window and the other wall on the left.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

colour film scans

This is a part of Trinity centre in Leeds. I like it because it's a little bit different than the other ones. I like the red and blue because they look good together and make it look more artistic.

This is a building in Leeds. I think it's a good photo because it's not grainy and it came out quite good. The only bad thing is the sky because it looks like a white patch.

I've photographed the inside of the Trinity building. I don't really like it because it's quite dark and you can see scratches all over the photo. 

This is a part of the floor in the Trinity building. I'm not sure if I like it or not. I would like it more if there was no scratches on the photo. You can also see a bit of the camera because it didn't open fully.

This is the same photo but the only thing I tried to change was the amount of people in it. I had to wait for people to go. I think this photo is a little bit better than the previous one. 

This is the photo I've used as one of my final ones. The resolution of it is better than the other ones and also it's not dark and the lighting is good. 

When scanning, I tried to use different techniques so the photos would look interesting. I've used a part of my destroyed negative and a part of a normal one. 

I tried to use that technique again but with a different photo. I think it came out pretty good.

This is also a good photo because it's really light and it's not grainy. The only thing I would change is that I would get less of the sky in a photo.

I think I was trying to take a photo of the sun behind the glass but it didn't work out as I wanted it to.

This photo is quite interesting but I think it's too dark. 

I don't like this photo of a horse because it's a bit foggy. The composition is not good.

I've taken a photo of my reflection in the mirror to show the new architecture. I like it because the mirror made my body look weird and funny. 

I really like this photo because of the composition and the lighting. I couldn't use it as my final photo because of the resolution but it's definitely one of my favourites.

This is a photo that I've taken to try out the camera but I decided that it's quite artistic and I like it. 

I think I like this photo because there's a lot of things going on on it. You can see two guys on the top of the roof and the tower in the background. I think it's a good composition of things.

This is also one of my favourite photos because it looks really good and the lighting was amazing. I don't really like having people in the photo but they make it look less boring.

This is a similar photo to the other one and I also like it. A guy in the photo is a little bit distracting though. 

This photo's got a lot of scratches on it but I like the composition. The horse is a little bit distracting.