This is one of the photos I've taken inside. I found it quite easy to find the objects that match the theme. I think this is very interesting because it's a photo of a photo that someone's taken a long time ago. When I put my deodorant next to the photo, it gives it a new, fresh look. It makes it look less flat and boring. I tried to make it more artistic and appearing. The composition is quite good, I tried to make the two photos look similar and I think I did it right. The lighting was pretty bad and it was hard to take photos because of the shiny surfaces. You can see some light at the top of my pictures and you can also see my reflection. My images are in focus and I think they look good.
DOCUMENTARY (outside college, Bradford)
These are the photos I've taken outside. I think it worked better than if it was inside the building. It was cold outside and that's why the spray is visible and white. I've photographed Rachel and my deodorant just before spraying it on to her face and while doing it. I did it because I think that is a funny way of showing what happens 'before and after'. I've never seen anything like this and that's why I did it. It's a kind of a documentary because it shows real life. The composition is very good because the photos are almost the same when it comes to the background and Rachel but different when it comes to a deodorant. The lighting is quite good but I think that maybe it's a little bit too dark. On the other hand if they were lighter, it would've been hard to see the spray. Both images are in focus. I decided to focus it more on Rachel than the deodorant because I think it looks better like this.
FASHION (Bradford college building)
I think this is related to fashion because it shows clothing as it's an advert. The main thing is a deodorant but the crucial part of the photos is a shirt. I wanted to catch a 'real life' situation and I think I did it right. I like the second photo more than the first one but it's because I wanted to show that everything looks better when you use something that smells fresh. I could change the viewpoint on the first photo because I could make it look better. I think the lighting in the room was good and my photos have a pretty good quality. The first photo could be a little bit darker, so it would look more like the second one but anyway I like the small contrast between them. My images are in focus, the only thing that kind of destroyed the first picture is a white line. I didn't see it on my camera when I looked at the images before and that's why I didn't do anything about it until it was too late. I think the location of my pictures is the only thing I could improve and think about it a little bit more. The person in the background is distracting and the location is not very appealing.
ART (Bradford city centre)
These are the photos I've taken outside and I think that it fits well with the art theme. I wouldn't choose a different location. The composition of the first image is very simple, I just wanted to get a good shot of the whole octopus graffiti. The second image is not that simple and there's more to it than just a simple shot. I tried to show my deodorant and a part of the graffiti too and it was harder than it looks like. I decided to focus on a spray more than on the background and that's why one is in focus and one is out of focus. The lighting is quite good, especially on the second photo. The background is out of focus but because it's brighter than the object that I was photographing it stands out too. I like the photos and I think they look quite good together.
TRAVEL (Bradford college building)
These are the photos I've taken inside. I wanted it to reflect travelling around college building. I think the location could be better because the stairs create an ugly background. The composition is not as good as I expected it to be. The lighting was good so that helped me.
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